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“Good design is making something intelligible and memorable. Great design is making something memorable and meaningful.”

– Dieter Rams –



Mi name is Ana, I am from Mexico City. Since 2011 I moved to Barcelona, the city where I still live and work. I came here to start my studies in the Design field.

I first studied one year in Global Design at IED (Instituto Europeo de Diseño), then I applied to the degree in design at ELISAVA (Escuela Superior de Diseño e Ingeniería). Here I took as specialty Retail Design and Branding. And very recently I took a Master’s Degree in creative Process a program from ELISAVA & elBulli Foundation.

I’m passionate in retail and branding. Anyway, I think myself a global designer, I think I’m capable to work in 360º projects. Including interior design, product design and graphic design. The last years I’ve been working on Retail. My first contact was in a design Studio located in Barcelona “Estudi Bonjoch”, then I moved to HAWKERS as retail designer. My role here was to develop and execute the store projects since the brand was working on a very ambitious plan changing from the online to the offline channel.

Now a days I work in Etnia Barcelona, as Trade Marketing Designer. Here my role is to analyze the market and give them support to increase sales. In this way we take care of the Brand image and the user experience. In this matter we take the brand to the offline channel this includes wholesale, our own stores, and events. By designing: Shop in Shop Spaces, POP, Windows, Furniture and Trade Events.

All my life I’ve been very curious, as a designer I really like to analyze people’s needs. I’m convinced designers of the future have a commitment with the world and the people who inhabit it.
