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We were asked to redesign the toolbox for Ikea. We chose the main objects that we can find in a common toolbox, so we looked how this objects could be gathered. This is how we came up with the idea of joining all the tools in a single waistband belt. When we twisted it, it was kind of “bouquet” quite stable that could look as a decorative element at home. Our toolbox doesn’t have to be hidden as others. This gave us the key to develop a different mode concept for this toolbox. We found four different modes for it, combining the belt concept with an iPad cover. The Box Mode, the Stand Mode, the Unfolded Mode, the Hanging Mode and the wearable Mode we first thought about. With this modes theme we develop the stand and the advertising slogan for Ikea’s new product of; “What is your mode?” Enhancing the freedom and versatility of this product and its use.


Belt concept

Category: Product design | Exhibition design | Global design

 Design Team: Ana Escudero, Gloria Gomila, Cristian Paredes, Liisa Widstrand.