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Elisava Research team asked us to design their first exhibition at Arts Santa Mònica Museum in Barcelona. In this exhibition they wanted to share their first results to the Decoding project in which they are constantly working. Decoding has to do with the observation, analysis, innovation and creativity in the world of design. The design of this exhibition is based in one of the themes, which is the ontology of design.

Ontology of design is the language used for the design process. As inspiration we took a very common tool, which is the meter so we could order all of this words to introduce the different content of the exhibition for Elisava Research, as if the whole space was kind of a dictionary. This gave us a lot of flexibility to work, in some points we could give this meter shape, an in others just suggest paths. The idea was to make a changing element.

Zoom In Design is an exhibition that shows everything that users usually do not see about design and explains in an order way the creative process. In which most of the times this process is fractal.


Meter concept

Category:  Exhibition design

Design Team: David Anglada, Alessandra Ballota, Emerson Blanco, Iván Bravo, Ana Escudero, Anna Plana, Ferran Verdaguer