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Located at “El Born” Hawkers decides to open it’s first experiential store in Barcelona. Taking as inspiration the summer 2018 moodboards of HAWKERS, we took the decision that the stores of the brand should speak this same language; Pools, Palm Springs, luxury and pleasure. For the design we picked all of this concepts and we synthesize them. Separating the most abstract like water, light, color and the smell of the most realistic; plants, pool ladders, furniture, etc. Taking these elements into the space without being very obvious, people could feel they are always inside of the “pool”. And as always to complete the experience we decided that the client should take something else, in this case a frozen popsicle with a message written on the stick. As a “fortune cookie”, something that connects with the brand identity and adds value to the proposal.


Concept | Pool

Category: Retail Design

Design Team: Ana Escudero & HAWKERS RETAIL TEAM